Why You Should Preferably Use Dark Mode On Your Android Phone

Why You Should Preferably Use Dark Mode On Your Android Phone

Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night or early in the morning, reached for your phone to unlock it, only to have your eyes burned by the screen glare? This is because one pixel fires a photon into an unprepared eye. This glare is similar to walking out of a dark movie theater into the sun. You can avoid the glare cinematic effect with tinted sunglasses, but your best bet is to enable Night Mode on your phone.

The situation with dark mode is a bit tricky. Both Android and iOS offer a dark mode setting that changes the UI color palette from white to jet black. However, this setting does not apply uniformly to all apps installed on your phone. Instead, you should check each app’s settings to see if you can choose between light and dark themes. Some apps offer his third dynamic option that changes the user interface colors based on your phone’s default system settings. This is the best implementation because users don’t have to worry about enabling it at the system level first and then enabling it individually for each app they need.

Meanwhile, a study by the Sensory Perception and Interaction Research Group at the University of British Columbia found that a person with astigmatism (affected by 50% of the population) may have difficulty reading white text on a dark background. There is a nature. (via Gizmodo). Some users have also highlighted accessibility issues with Dark Mode.

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Dark mode versus night mode

There are subtle differences between Dark Mode and Night Mode settings on your phone. In dark mode, all background elements and blank spaces that appear white on the screen appear black. The text color scheme is also inverted when possible. H. Black text becomes white against a dark background. In some apps, colorful design elements have also been adjusted for a consistent black and white look. A high-contrast approach is more aesthetically pleasing and reduces visual impact. In addition, if your phone has his OLED screen, it also saves precious battery power.

Night mode, or nightlight mode, doesn’t quite live up to the beauty of black and white. Instead, this mode gives the screen a slightly reddish or yellowish tint and gradually reduces the brightness for a more comfortable viewing experience. You can turn this feature on manually or set it to turn on automatically on a fixed schedule, such as an hour before he usually goes to bed.

Google’s Pixel phones can automatically turn on night lights based on the times of sunrise and sunset in your location. To access this feature, drag down the Quick Access tile section and tap the Night Light button. On Samsung phones, this feature is called “Eye Comfort Shield” and can be activated in the same place. On iPhone, this is called “Night Shift” and can be enabled by tapping Settings, Display & Brightness, Night Shift.

The benefits of using dark mode on Android

Perhaps the biggest advantage of activating Night Mode is that it avoids blinding glare in dark rooms or when you need to find your phone quickly after waking up. So far, no medical studies have been able to prove any adverse health effects from sudden exposure to the brightness of a cell phone screen, but it’s definitely not a pleasant experience.

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Another tangible benefit of Dark Mode is that it saves a lot of battery power. According to Google’s own research, enabling dark mode reduces battery power consumption by 60% when brightness is set to 100%. However, keep in mind that Dark Mode’s impact on battery consumption occurs on OLED panels and is less so on phones with LCD screens. This is because OLED screens can turn off the backlighting of pixels under dark areas to reduce power consumption in those areas, but LCD panels cannot.

Dark Mode also reduces eye strain. Although reliable research linking Digital Eye Strain (DES) and Dark Mode is lacking, there is research suggesting that DES may affect sleep cycles and alertness in humans. . Using apps and systems that can reduce your exposure to blue or green wavelengths can also help, according to Harvard Medical School. Night lights (i.e. night shift mode) can help here, but they don’t necessarily have to be in night mode.

How to enable dark mode on Android

To enable system-wide dark mode on your iPhone, open the Settings app, go to the Display & Brightness section, and tap the dark card at the top. Alternatively, you can enable the feature by swiping down from the top-right corner of the screen and then tapping the Dark Mode button in Control Center. On older iPhones with a Touch ID home button, swipe up from the bottom of the screen to access Control Center.

The easiest way to enable Dark Mode on your Android smartphone is to find and tap the appropriate Quick Settings tile. Swipe down from the top of the screen to open the quick settings tile page and look for the “Dark Mode” or “Night Mode” option. If you don’t see the tile, follow the path Settings > Display > Dark. Here you can also set a custom schedule for activation or use the default sunrise-sunset schedule.

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If you want to enable dark mode in your app, go to the app settings section and look for the dark theme option in the theme or appearance customization section. Some apps offer a dark mode toggle directly on the user’s profile page, accessed by tapping the profile picture. Note that the exact location of night and dark mode on Android and apps may vary by device manufacturer and product.

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